Sunday, September 22, 2013

Glamour Shots


After a family photo, Jordan decided he wanted a shot of himself demonstrating his superb modeling skills. Never far behind, Christian joined in the fun. 

Mary and Christian

Though these two are also known for fighting like cats and dogs, they are also famous at our house for their sweet friendship. They love to play and tease each other; Mary is Christian's hero. "I love Mary, and her loves me."

Photo Shoot 2013

 Wanna piece of me?
 Who me? Couldn't be!

 Aw, shucks.

Jordan and Christian

 (If looks could kill...) 

Christian is Jordan's biggest fan, and the other way around. These two brothers get along perfectly (well, most of the time). Christian is never happier than when he learns he's wearing one of Jordan's old shirts (then it must be cool) or playing with one of his old toys. Nobody can make Christian laugh like his favorite, and only, brother. 


A blanket, bar stools, and a couple of DVDs thrown on to hold the blanket up, and voila, you've got yourself an A+ fort! 

Breakfast on the Deck

Mommy discovered Christian out on the porch one morning, calmly eating his breakfast. 6